Sellina – fast and inexpensive implementation on open technology

Sellina is a ready-made B2B / B2C system, saimed at distributors and manufacturers with a large or complex product catalog, which at the loss has 70-90% of the functionality you need. Missing - we will easily add.


Why is Sellina a B2B e-commerce solution?

You don't have to choose between SaaS that don't fit your needs and expensive Open-Sources. Choose the only system that combines the advantages of Open Source and SaaS systems.

Freedom of development and integration

Basing the store engine on Magento 2 Open Source means that we can freely and without restrictions adapt the store to your needs.

Freedom of choice of contractor (no Vendor-Lock)

The license agreement we provide allows you to change your contractor without any restrictions. 


Due to its headless nature, Sellina enables easy scaling of the business by quickly launching additional stores (e.g. for a narrowed product range). 

B2B / B2C trading opportunities

A system combining the functionalities of B2B systems and traditional B2C e-commerce.

Advanced functionalities for a start

Sellina is a fully functional e-commerce system whose functionalities you can explore in detail by accessing the documentation.


The basic version of Sellina is an advanced e-commerce system. We provide a guarantee for it
3 months, which you can extend without restrictions. 

High level of testing

The functional base of Sellina, thanks to its use in many projects, is characterized by a very high level of testing.

Short implementation time

The implementation of the base version of the store that allows you to start selling takes 4 weeks. This gives your team time to learn how to work on the target system from the very beginning of the project.

Low cost of implementation

For a system guaranteeing similar performance capabilities, the cost of implementing Sellina is at least ⅓ lower (other Open Source engines of this scale with a Headless frontend). 

Leave us your details, we will contact you as soon as possible. The first contact will be made by Michał Kozik.

"I am pleased to recommend Cognize as a partner in the implementation of technological projects (...)"

Cognize demonstrated not only advanced technological knowledge, but also flexibility in adapting solutions to the needs of our industry. (...) Excellent communication and high availability of the team meant that we could count on support at every stage of the project. All our questions and suggestions were quickly resolved, and the response time to reports deserved the highest praise.

Find out more about our projects

Adegis Mockup

Adegis – The use of Headless architecture + Magento 2 engine, integration with Comarch ERP XL and integration with the marketplace using Baselinker allowed us to start online sales, launch new channels for promoting services and selling spare parts, as well as the client's entry into foreign markets.

Amper iPhone

Amper - The cooperation resulted in the launch of the online store, which in the first four months began to generate approximately 20% of the value of all e-commerce transactions, and the average basket value in the own channel was 107% higher compared to marketplace sales.

Sellina Light - if you plan to develop


For companies that have standard start-up needs but plan to expand and do not want to go through the costly and time-consuming process of technology migration in the future, we have created the Light version of the Sellina system. Sellina Light is "boxed" Sellina version, technologically just as advanced, much cheaper, easier to implement, but most importantly – not requiring technology migration when the need for dedicated functionalities arises. Then it is enough to switch to the standard Sellina license and take full advantage of the possibility of introducing any modifications and additions to the system.

Dashboard mockup

Price list - comparison of two versions

Sellina Light and Sellina are the same system technologically and functionally. The differences lie in the type of license, the ability to make changes, hosting, etc. Learn more:

Sellina Light Sellina
UX/UI changes Colors, typography and banners Modifications to UX/UI elements (e.g. menu, tiles, product page layout, etc.) - quote
Functionalities Existing out-of-the-box Adding dedicated functionalities
SLA (license, warranty, monitoring, infrastructure and system maintenance, backup) PLN 3300 net + optional hours package PLN 900 net (license) + optional additional services + hours package
updates 2x a year Magento Security Patch (included), Magento updates determined individually All updates are arranged individually
License Limited License (No Migration) Unlimited license (technology migration possible)
Implementation cost PLN 24 net PLN 69 net
Server infrastructure Hosting (included) Dedicated servers (not included in price)
Agreement Certain conditions Dedicated contract

Sellina B2B functionalities

Sellina Light Sellina
Advanced price list management
Adding products to the cart from the search engine
Managing multiple addresses on a user account
User registration module supporting both B2B and B2C clients
Validation of the NIP number in the Central Statistical Office database
Possibility of any control of VAT rates for products
Payments by credit limit/trade credit
Managing shipping methods available to the customer based on value and size
Manage the payment methods available to the customer based on the customer group and basket value
Product Attachment Management
Lots of advertising space for manufacturers
Displaying the price per item/other unit of product measurement for product bundles
Product comparison
Offer module

B2B dashboard

Sellina Light Sellina
Dedicated home page view
Credit limit value presentation
Customer service representative presentation
Presentation of recent orders and recent documents
Possibility to configure the store home page individually for B2C customers and separately for B2B
Mockup Brother Aldeno
Liberty Motors Mockup

The most flexible B2B / B2C sales system on the market.

Discover more Open-SaaS features that will convince you that Sellina is the most flexible e-commerce system on the market.

Leave us your details, we will contact you as soon as possible. The first contact will be made by Michał Kozik.

Sellina: Magento 2 backend + Headless frontend app

Magento is the most efficient and popular Open Source system available on the market.

Sellin's diagram

Benefits of using Magento 2 as Sellina's engine

1. Any extensions and changes tailored to the business.

2. Performing any integrations.

3. High store efficiency.

4. An extensive community of programmers and users creating the system, numbering over 300 people.

5. Flexibility in expanding the system as the company’s needs grow.

6. Over 5 plugins.

Most frequently asked questions

When will I receive my offer?

You can receive a preliminary offer from us right away - just contact us by email or phone. It includes the basic functionalities of the system and the Sellina launch service. However, if you want to know the detailed offer tailored to your business, a pre-implementation analysis is usually needed. The time of its completion is from 2-6 weeks.

What does he get to start with?

To start with, you receive a B2B/B2C e-commerce system, for which you can arrange a presentation, click here. As part of the implementation, we help you adapt existing systems and the connections between them (e.g. ERP, marketing automation, PIM, etc.) to the new system.

How long does it take to implement?

The basic version can be created in as little as 4 weeks. If the project has complex requirements, it may require workshops with the client or a detailed pre-implementation analysis (2-6 weeks). In such a case, the implementation process may take significantly longer.

How is Sellina Light functionally different from Sellina?

Sellina Light and Sellina have the same functionalities. The difference is that Sellina can be expanded with dedicated functionalities, while Sellina Light cannot. However, you can add any integrations to them. The remaining differences are given in the comparison table above. Technologically and functionally, it is the same system.

What is the warranty like?

The warranty is optional, billed on a subscription basis and covers all system components that have not been modified to suit your individual needs.

How does a Magento update work, how often does it occur and how much does it cost?

Magento upgrade depends on the type of update. Magento versions have the following template: 2.4.6.-p1, where:

2 – the number defining the MAJOR change
4 – number defining the MINOR change
6 – number specifying the PATCH change
p1 – number defining the SECURITY change

  • A MAJOR change is a version that appears once every 10 years. If an update occurs here, we are talking about a different Magento. Only 2 versions have been created so far (over the 15-18 years of the system's existence).
  • MINOR changes occur approximately every 2-4 years.
  • PATCH changes occur approximately twice a year.
  • SECURITY changes occur 2-4 times a year.

General pricing for Magento upgrade (for version without additional modules):

  • Upgrade MAJOR – a completely new online store requiring changes to the entire system. This means individual pricing.
  • Upgrade MINOR – 20h BackEnd + 10h FrontEnd + 10h Tests
  • Upgrade PATCH – 10h BackEnd + 4h FrontEnd + 10h Tests
  • Upgrade SECURITY – 10h BackEnd + 4h FrontEnd + 4h Tests

The above quotes are only possible if the customer is constantly updating the store and the update is only for 1 specific version. Updating more than 1 version requires an individual quote.

It may happen that the client has implemented a large number of third-party modules in their store. In such case, we price such an update individually, because the modules may not be compatible and there will be a need to update them.

What if we want to change the contractor?

There are no restrictions related to the choice of contractor - the license paid by the Client allows for this. In addition, our system has appropriate documentation and is created using popular technologies, so there is no risk of the so-called "Vendor Lock".

If you decide to use Sellina Light – the license does not allow you to change the contractor, you must switch to the full Sellina license (pay the difference in the start-up cost between Sellina Light and Sellina)

What about transferring copyright to the system?

We only transfer copyrights in the case of dedicated functionalities. In any other case, the transfer of rights does not apply, but the license authorizes you, among other things, to develop the system independently.

What about transferring copyrights to functionalities created for me?

We transfer copyrights to your company when creating dedicated solutions.

What else can you help with and what can't you help with in the area of ​​e-commerce?

Our additional activities consist of support for: 

  • in creating strategies,
  • branding,
  • process optimization,
  • system architecture optimization,
  • infrastructure maintenance,
  • UX and interface design,
  • creating a competence matrix for e-commerce and e-commerce-related teams,
  • audits.

We do not carry out:

  • SEO activities,
  • operational marketing activities. 

However, if necessary, we support the evaluation of the agency that is to be responsible for these areas.

What is the difference between fixed price and time&material billing?

Fixed Price Settlement is a settlement in a specified amount, scope and time. These are tasks that are additionally covered by a guarantee. Due to the fact that we define their price rigidly - we must also define their scope rigidly. This gives rise to two consequences.
Firstly – any changes in scope mean a re-estimation and change in the settlement amount or the need to incur additional costs of such changes.
Secondly, when offering such a task, we need to know its scope precisely, and this is impossible for many tasks. An example of the lack of answers to all questions regarding the course of the task is the implementation of functionalities related to integration with external systems, using external modules, in which we do not know what surprises we will encounter. One of the solutions we use in such cases is the implementation of a larger or smaller analysis preceding the implementation of the task, which helps to answer possible questions and thus allows us to offer the task in the Fixed Price model.

Time and Material billings are tasks in which we bill for the time worked. Of course, we use an estimate preceding the execution of such a task. However, in such cases we do not know the exact scope of the task. This results from objective, external factors such as the need for integration with external systems, using external modules in which we do not know what surprises we will encounter, or regarding functionalities, the logic of which we must work out with the client.

How are errors in the system resolved?

The details of error removal are regulated by the agreement. In simple terms, we can say that error reports are divided into two groups:
The first one – under warranty. These tasks are performed free of charge.
The second one is not covered by the warranty. The source of these tasks are Time and Material type tasks or Fixed Price tasks, in which the warranty has expired. We emphasize, however, that each of our customers can extend the warranty for the system without time limits for a fee indicated in the Agreement.

Why is the license granted for 20 years?

The intention is to provide our customers with a license for independent system development that is unlimited in time and scope. However, for legal reasons (we recommend consulting lawyers on this matter) we cannot define the license in the Agreement as "unlimited", so we have used a distant term of 20 years.

Where will the system be hosted?

We normally host the system on our (or the Client's) servers at OVH, usually using Advanced-2 ( If you have your own machines with comparable technological parameters, we can also place the system on your servers.

How are backups created and stored?

We create local database copies twice daily and perform a full system backup once daily. Backups are encrypted and stored on Dropbox, where they are available for at least a year.

Absolutely, you can find links to our case studies on the website If you want to discuss them together, please contact us

let's talk!

Want to read the system documentation or schedule a demo? Leave your contact details below:

Sellina mobile mockup

Why Sellina Open Saas?